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About a month ago (i would’ve loved to post it sooner trust me.) Our class was studying anatomy and as a class activity we gutted a raw chicken. A lot of us were disgusted but when she pulled out he the chickens heart the mood changed and it started with just one question.chicken_heart-copy

Chicken heart

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because its so fun and despite what people say its fun to go trick or treating.Of course i dressed up but went nowhere and handed out candy which wasn’t bad. Heres what went down.halloween-copy


Heres that latest more improved character sheet and it has everyone that might appear in this years comics! I hope it meet everyones approval…

Character sheet

If you read my earlier posts you will know who Ryan is…But since hes gone i can write something about him! Okay so when i was first starting the blog i had sort of kept it a secret but then the first people to see it were some girls in my class. Some of the guys thought it was stupid in ways i can’t explain either that or they didn’t read it…Anyway if you read my earlier posts you’ll see that Ryan appears in them often.But when people first started hearing about it and asking for the address Ryan asked me this question….


Every time i go to school there is always some class that thinks they can be older then me but of course they’re NOT. For me its always 4th grade and when i was a in 5th grade they didn’t bother me. Well there was this girl in 4th grade called makeala and i was in 6th. She said i was stupid and weird. Last year there was this dude in 4th grade who kept FRIKEN CALLEN ME A MIDGET!! Course he was as tall as me and would’ve just made fun of himself. Now I’m volunteering at the school as an aftercare helper and theres theres this girl called makeala and she called me a midget but this is what happened after.

4th grade

Every body doesn’t understand that 5th grade for me….sucked!! I mean yeah we got a pretty dorky teacher(no not the funny dorky teacher) I was very dorky myself and well i was always pretty behind when it came to immature talks. Course i wouldn’t know what bitch meant i was in 5th grade!(although i might of just been behind more then ever) All of these events leading up to this one….asking if i was a virgin.

5th grade

“what are you talking about!? you are little!” me:” IM NOT LITTLE!no no not that kind of little!” “oh….i like the first one better…” I didn’t know how to start the post besides i haven’t posted in a while but ironically i’ve had about 1 to 3 views a day….as opposed to 0 views a day!! *sighs* *clicks on keyboard* Well i finally had enough time to update and this post is well about my attitude when i was 4, 6, or 8. its mostly about my beloved plush animal….Enjoy..

Little rowen

When i was wanting to turn in games i went to game stop and well back then games i turned in got more money.Now that the gamecube isn’t that popular anymore,the games i sell go for very little money. And now someone has told me the gamecube games can be played on the Wii! More reason to buy that and turn in my gamecube. This is what happened when i turned in my games. Comics below…

Game stop

A few weeks ago or maybe now a month ago i went to a horse show with 2 of my friends from horseback. It was in watsonville and it was a fun drive there and fun drive back.when we got there its sort of hot and none of us were really hungry.But of course i was sent out to scout for food. I found food and well we wait till maybe about 2 or 3 to walk over cause our horse teacher was talking someone.and so our story begins….

horse show

YAY!! its my birthday!! I’m turning 14!! I have to change the age thing on my blog!! oh well even though I’M not here my computer is and it updates for me while I’m away! I’m soo happy. So this post is special but each time my birthday comes around i know school starts just as soon eheh. So with pleasure i present to you my birthdays from 10 to 14. why start at 10? Cause i don’t remember any other bdays before that. Oh well enjoy and COMMENT!!

happy birthday!! (to me)